Friday, June 30, 2017
MatchUp - Lee Child (editor)
is a special anthology that pairs off thriller writers and their characters.
This time it's one woman with one man.
This collection has eleven stories by some of the best thriller authors.
It's a follow-up to FaceOff,
but each pair of authors is a woman and a man.
Each story has an introduction that explains how the authors collaborated.
If you're looking for some new authors to follow,
or just want some stories from your old favorites,
this is an excellent anthology to explore.
The link on amazon has more details.
Very highly recommended.

Friday, June 23, 2017
FaceOff - David Baldacci (editor)
is a unique anthology that pairs off thriller writers and their characters.
This is a great book with eleven separate short stories by the premier authors in the thriller genre.
Each short story has an introduction that talks about the authors and how they collaborated.
If you're looking for some new authors to follow, or just want some stories from your old favorites, this is an excellent book to explore.
The link on amazon has more details.
Very highly recommended.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017
The Enlightened - Dima Zales
The Enlightened
is book three in the Mind Dimensions series.
Now that Darren has most of what he can do figured out,
it's time for more.
Darren knew he had more "depth" than most readers and guides,
but he didn't know all the implications of that depth.
It's time for some enlightenment.
That and trying to find who murdered his biological parents.
Another great novel.
Very highly recommended.

The Thought Pushers - Dima Zales
The Thought Pushers
is the second novel in the Mind Dimensions series.
Now that Darren has discovered he's both a reader and a pusher,
he has some exploring to do.
What does it mean?
Fortunately Darren knows a pusher, or as they prefer to be called a guide.
Of course their name for readers is more insulting than pusher.
The guides call them leachers.
Darren has a lot of learning to do,
and he's still fighting for his life from a rogue pusher.
Very highly recommended.

Monday, June 12, 2017
The Time Stopper - Dima Zales
The Time Stopper
is a prequel to the Mind Dimensions series.
Think of it as book zero.
Mira Tsiolkovsky is 18 going on 40.
Mira and her brother Eugene are orphans.
Mira was watching when her parents were blown up by a car bomb.
Now Mira's out for revenge.
She'll stop at nothing to get it.
Mira's quest to find the man who caused her parent's murder is dangerous and deadly.
It's a good thing Mira is too.
Very highly recommended.

Saturday, June 10, 2017
The Thought Readers - Dima Zales
The Thought Readers
is the first novel in the Mind Dimensions series.
Darren Wang Goldberg is a genius.
At least people think he is.
Darren being able to stop time has a lot to do with it.
He calls it "the quiet."
While time is stopped Darren can poke around in other people's stuff and they never realize it.
Like their cards in a poker game.
Then at a one poker game, when Darren stops time, he finds someone else in "the quiet" with him.
And she's beautiful.
Darren has a lot to learn.
This is a great story.
Very highly recommended.

Friday, June 9, 2017
Possess - J.A. Howell
is the first novel in the Possess Saga series.
This book is free for the kindle.
Harley Martin has escaped from a bad situation.
Things seem to be going Harley's way, but then her new apartment isn't what she thought it would be.
Harley's bad situation may have just gotten worse.
This a good ghost story, with a little more erotica than it needs.
Still highly recommended.

Friday, June 2, 2017
League of Dragons - Naomi Novik
League of Dragons
is the ninth novel in the Temeraire series.
Temeraire and Captain Laurence are still working to defeat Napoleon,
even though they're his prisoners.
Napoleon has tried to lure all the dragons in the world to his side with promises that he can't keep.
It's up to Temeraire to convince them of his lies.
Can they finally defeat Napoleon or will he finally be victorious.
Very highly recommended.

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