Saturday, February 7, 2015

Grade A Stupid - A. J. Lape

Grade A Stupid is the first novel in the Darcy Walker Series. This book is free for the kindle. You're in for a wild ride.

Darcy Walker is 15. Darcy is your normal teenage girl, except when she's not. Darcy has her share of angst about boys, clothes, and school. Darcy also dabbles in finding dead bodies and trying to solve crimes. This can lead to bending rules, telling lies, and danger in general. Times like these are when Darcy is not your normal teenage girl. This is a great book. No supernatural creatures or special powers to prop up the story. Just not-so-normal adventures with a precocious teenage girl, and all in the suburbs of Cincinnati. Darcy even likes Skyline Chili! Very highly recommended.

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