Thursday, June 12, 2014

The White Aura - Felicia Tatum

The White Aura is the first novel in the White Aura series. This book is free for the kindle.

Olivia Whitehead is just a junior in high school. Livvie runs track, has a best friend, and has dreamed about a boy she's never met, every night, for over a year. Scott Tabors is a sophomore in college. Scott likes art, works in his grandmother's shop once a week, and invades Livvie's dreams every night. Scott is a sorcerer. Livvie is Scott's heart mate. A curse on Scott's family keeps him from meeting Livvie in the flesh, but in their dreams Scott and Livvie are inseparable. When an evil sorcerer plans to take Livvie for his own, Scott has to do something. What Scott doesn't know is, Livvie has powers of her own, and those powers are just starting to manifest. This book is interesting, but has too much teenage angst. Once you get past that it's a fun book and hard to put down at times. It has a really lame ending though. Once again, a cliff hanger spoils a good story. Recommended.

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