Sunday, November 24, 2013

Never Say Die - Will Hobbs

Never Say Die is $9.78 for the kindle. It was free when I downloaded it. This book is about two brothers and their trip down the Firth River in the arctic.

Nick Thrasher lives the Inuit life with his mother and grandparents in the Canadian town of Aklavik. Nick is 15 and already responsible for feeding his extended family by hunting on the arctic tundra. Nick is only half Inuit though. His father was an American adventurer who died in a mountain climbing accident before Nick even met him. Nick has a older half brother, Ryan Powers, who he's never met. Ryan is a wildlife photographer working for National Geographic. When Ryan invites Nick to raft the Firth River with him in search of herds of caribou, Nick is reluctant at first. Eventually Nick and Ryan unite for the adventure of a lifetime. There are many ways to die in the arctic, and the two brothers seem to run into most of them. This is a good read, but the preachy liberal environmentalist writing detracts from the adventure of the story. Especially since it's based on lies and misinformation. Still highly recommended.

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