Sunday, August 7, 2011

Caribbean Moon - Murcer, Rick

Caribbean Moon is a Manny Williams novel. Manny Williams is a cop from Lansing Michigan. A big chunk of the Lansing police department is going on a Caribbean cruise and they're bringing along a killer.

I'm trying to stick to a reading austerity program and read 99 cent novels on my kindle. There are many to choose from. This was a bad choice.

While the idea of a killer stalking police officers on their vacation is interesting, this novel is a prime candidate for the Reader's Digest Condensed program. The attempted colorful descriptions that pepper this story are distracting, and at times laughable. This first quote is while the police are pondering a particularly gruesome murder scene:

"Finally, Alex stopped making love to his mocha latte and broke the silence."

Hear are a couple more examples:

"The java’s aroma slinked to his wide nose and teased it like a tantalizing performer in a high-class strip club."

"Determination coated her face like fresh snow on a winter’s day."

It's kind of hard to take a murder mystery serious with this kind of verbiage being thrown around like bad garnish on mediocre a salad. See there, I can do it too :)

Was it worth the 99 cents? Nope. Did I finish it to see if they caught the killer. Yes. Still not recommended.

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